Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Happy Trails

The end of the 2013 school year was bitter sweet.  I was excited to be done with another year of school and embark on the summer with my two little ones, but extremely sad to say "Happy Trails" to a colleague I looked up to as a person and could always count on for laughs.  He and my mom taught together for 30-something years, I have known him my whole life and was lucky enough to have been able to teach with him for the last five years. 

We took our annual department field trip to Valleyfair one of the last weeks in May.  We took the big bus, a van and I drove the little bus.  Not only did I get to drive the little bus, but I got to bring my little people with me!  They were big helpers and so excited!

We had an amazing team including teachers, para professionals, social worker, and psychologist this year.  When I came to Jordan five years ago, it was me, my mom and Kevin with 4 paras.  We have grown!  

We decided to honor Kevin we would throw him a surprise department lunch the last week of school.  We all dressed up in our cowboy gear and prepared a pot luck meal together. 

We did our annual department end of the year photo shoot using Kevin's retirement book as inspiration: Happy, Wild and Free!

On the last student day we had a half day in which we had a staff lunch.  Once we were allowed to leave, Kevin rode with two of his three sons into the sunset on their horses.  His wife, Laurie, joined them along them with food and water. 

Best wishes to Mr. Green for a wonderful retirement from the staff at Jordan High School...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a special guy! (PS- You drove a small bus?! I'd freak out if I had to do that!) :)
